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  • 50-jähriges Jubiläum des Rechenzentrums

Electronic Lab Notebooks

Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNs) are web-based tools to plan and document scientific experiments. Often, the experimental data and the employed instruments and materials can be directly linked to the lab notebook entry.

If you have questions regarding the Electronic Lab Notebooks offered by the IT Centre, feel free to send an e-mail to


The University of Würzburg has concluded a contract with the company Labforward for rental licenses for the use of the electronic lab book Labfolder. The electronic lab book is operated on a local server of the IT Centre ("on premise"). The server is accessed via a web-based application in the browser. Licensed users can log in with their JMU account.

Labfolder at the University of Würzburg

Institutes and facilities can order licenses via the university's WebShop and make them available to their employees and students:Licence purchase in the web shop of the university

News and Documentation

You can find news and documentation here:


  • Terms of use
  • Privacy information
  • Accessibility


Chemotion ELN is an Electronic Lab Notebook tailored towards the use in chemistry and related fields. It is an open-source software. The developement is coordinated by the NFDI4Chem consortium of the Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur e.V.

The IT Centre operates an installation of Chemotion on the local server infrastructure: Chemotion at the University of Würzburg

News and Documentation

Support and further information on Chemotion is available here:


eLabFTW is an open-source ELN which is widely used in natural sciences. It is, however, applicable for a wide range of varying subjects due to its flexible approach. It offers, among other features, an integrated database for lab equipment or samples, a template system for experimental entries, a scheduler (e.g. for major equipment in the lab), a Markdown editor and an interface to the timestamping service offered by the DFN (German Research Network).

Members of the university can log in to the eLabFTW server hosted by the IT Centre using their JMU Account (via the Shibboleth mechanism) here: eLabFTW at the University of Würzburg


Users in eLabFTW are assigned to a "team" – a group in which entries of experiments and lab equipment is shared. A group can encompass a full chair or just the members of a single working group, depending on the requirements of the users.

When a user logs in to eLabFTW for the first time, a dropdown menu of available teams is shown, and the user chooses a team to join. The Admins of that team then receive a notice as their approval is required for the new user to use eLabFTW.

If there is no team for your department/institution/etc. available and you wish to set up a new one, please submit the form linked here: New eLabFTW team (form is available in German only)


Compliance and legal documents