Deutsch Intern
  • 50-jähriges Jubiläum des Rechenzentrums

eLabFTW: Terms of Use

Non-binding informative English version

Additional terms of use according to § 7 Abs. 10 Benutzungsordnung für Informationsverarbeitungssysteme of the University of Würzburg.

  1. eLabFTW is an electronic laboratory notebook software and as such a product for the documentation of scientific work. The IT Centre of the University of Würzburg provides one central installation of the software in the form of a web service and takes responsibility for the technical operation of the system. Any issues going beyond this, including the provision of training coures, are at the responsibility of the faculties and chairs themselves.
  2. The legal basis for the use of the service are the Benutzungsordnung Informationsverarbeitungssysteme and the Benutzungsordnung Hochschulnetz, which you can also view on the pages of the Rechtsamt in the valid version.
  3. Users must be at least 16 years old.
  4. Users are allowed to use the service as long as they are a member of the University of Würzburg. After leaving the University they will no longer have access to the service and will not be able to access the data stored therein.
  5. Users must themselves ensure that the data created by them in eLabFTW remains accessible to themselves and/or others to the extent necessary in each case even after leaving the University of Würzburg, whether through data export and/or the transfer of responsibility for the data within the eLabFTW service at the University of Würzburg to another person.
  6. eLabFTW is not a tool for long-term archiving. The use of the electronic lab notebook at the University of Würzburg does not release you from the obligations to store research and metadata in accordance with the Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice of the German Research Foundation.
  7. In principle, no sensitive data according to Art. 9 and Art. 10 GDPR shall be stored in the eLabFTW service at the University of Würzburg without additional protective measures according to the GDPR. If you would like to process these data categories in eLabFTW at the university, please contact the ELN team at the IT Centre beforehand.
  8. Projects from the clinical field, in particular those in which patient data is processed, are not admissible at the eLabFTW service at the University of Würzburg.
  9. Insofar as a permissible processing of personal data of third parties takes place, the responsible user must comply with the provisions of data protection and ensure the fulfilment of the information obligations.
  10. The IT Centre of the University of Würzburg reserves the right to charge a fee in the case of substantial utilization of provided resources by single users or particular departments or insitutes.