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  • 50-jähriges Jubiläum des Rechenzentrums

Frequently Asked Questions

About WueData

WueData is the institutional research data repository of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU). It enables the publication of research data. The focus of the cross-disciplinary repository is on research data from subjects that do not yet have their own discipline-specific infrastructures for research data management. The service is primarily aimed at researchers at the JMU who wish to publish their research data.


WueData is hosted and maintained by the Information Technology Centre (IT Centre) and the University Library. WueData is a RADAR-Local instance that is technically maintained and further developed by FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure. The data is stored locally on server and storage systems at the Julius-Maximilians-University Information Technology Centre.

As the institutional infrastructure for publishing research data at the Julius-Maximilians-University, WueData is available to every department free of charge in a basic version (up to 2 TB storage volume once). If more storage volume is required, additional storage can be purchased via the web shop of the IT Centre. The prices depend on the required storage volume. For further information, please refer to the price list in the webshop.


As more and more data is generated in research, appropriate management of scientific data is becoming increasingly important. This view is also increasingly held by research funders, who attach corresponding conditions (e. g. compliance with FAIR principles) to the awarding of third-party funding.

Many policy actors in the scientific field, including research funders, also support the demand for FAIR data. The FAIR Principles define measures to make research data discoverable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable.
WueData supports the FAIR principles and strives to implement them. Publishing research data in WueData ensures that the following aspects of the FAIR principles are supported in order to meet the requirements of service providers and "good scientific practice":

  • The findability of data packages is ensured by assigning a persistent identifier (DOI = Digital Object Identifier), by describing the data with metadata in line with the DataCite metadata schema 4.4, and by indexing and search engine connection.

  • Access to the data packages and descriptive metadata is free of charge and citation is guaranteed by the persistent identifiers used. In addition, accessibility to published data packages and descriptive metadata is guaranteed for at least 10 years.

  • The interoperability of data packages is ensured by using formal, accessible and generally accepted standards, data formats and descriptive metadata.

  • The reusability of the data packages is ensured by the descriptive metadata, generally accepted licences, clear indication of origin and source, and compliance with scientific standards.

This means that the secure storage, retrieval and availability of the data on which publications are based are fulfilled. Furthermore, the publication of research data in WueData increases their visibility and the traceability of research. Third parties can find and cite published data packages. This means that the results of scientific work can be re-used.

WueData services can be integrated into the publication process of journal articles. If a journal requires publication of the underlying research data, researchers can publish their data on WueData and link the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of the data package to the journal article. The data can also be peer-reviewed before publication, for example as part of a peer review process. For this purpose, WueData offers data providers the option of generating a non-public link that can be passed on to the reviewers.

Research data that are intended for publication via WueData and have to go through a peer review process before publication can be shared by the data providers for the review process before the actual publication. For this purpose, WueData offers the option of generating a non-public link that can be passed on to the reviewers.


Requirements for publishing on WueData

The use of WueData as an institutional infrastructure for research data publication at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität (JMU) requires that the data provider belongs to a chair at the JMU or participates in a project the JMU is involved in. Further information can be found in the terms of use.


Call up WueData. Go to the button "Log in". Under "Via your institution account", select "University of Wuerzburg" and log in there with your JMU ID. Now inform the FDM team by sending an e-mail to that you have registered in WueData for the first time. If possible, please also include the following information in your e-mail to set up your workspace:

  • Which organisational unit at the Julius-Maximilians-Universität do you belong to? Please name the chair or working group to which you are assigned.

  • To which cost centre are you assigned?

  • Should a new workspace be created for you, or do you want to be included in an existing workspace?

  • If you want to create a new workspace: Do you want an individual or group workspace?

The data curators will then activate your workspace for use. Once your workspace has been activated, you can access it.

Workspaces can be created for individuals, research groups or entire chairs. Within a workspace, all users assigned to this workspace have read and write access to the data packages and metadata stored in it that have not yet been published. A workspace is set up by the FDM team. Simply contact the FDM team directly (

User rights can be transferred in accordance with WueData's terms of use. This may be necessary, for example, if responsibilities within a workspace change or if data providers leave the Julius-Maximilians-Universität or move to other workspaces. The data providers must inform the FDM team in the event of a legal succession to data packages ( and name the successors.

Uploading data

To upload data to WueData, you must be registered as a user and then assigned to a workspace and activated by the data curators. After that you can upload your data manually into the system.

Yes, automatic data transfer is enabled via an API. If data import via an API is relevant for you, please contact the FDM team (

WueData does not impose any restrictions on data type or format. Data packages in WueData can, for example, contain raw data or data in different processing stages. WueData recommends formats that are particularly well suited for long-term archiving. For more information, see the following compilation.


No personal data may be uploaded or published in WueData. This restriction is pointed out when accepting the terms of use of WueData. Data providers are responsible for compliance with the data protection requirements.

In principle, you can name files freely. However, we recommend using names that are as meaningful as possible. Avoid blank spaces, special characters, and umlauts (ä, ö, ü) in the file name.


In principle, you can name data packages freely. However, we recommend using titles that are as meaningful as possible, as these will be cited in the recommended citation method for the published data packages.

As long as a data package is in the "in progress" status, changes can still be made to the content and description. After you have informed the data curators with the button "Ready for publication", changes may only be made after consultation.
After release for publication, no more changes are possible. This is to ensure the citability of the data package.

Depending on the browser used, uploads of up to 50 GB are possible via the WueData user interface. For uploads of this size, the automatic checksum calculation should be deactivated. If the automatic checksum calculation is deactivated, you must calculate and complete it yourself before you can publish the data package. If you have any questions about uploading larger data sets, please contact the FDM team (


When uploading zipped data to WueData, please note that these are automatically unzipped by default. This can lead to problems with the temporary storage space for the "In progress" area as well as with the calculation of the storage volume and the resulting costs. We therefore recommend that you manually deactivate the checkmark for unpacking during upload.


There is no automated check for malware. It is the responsibility of the data providers to ensure that no malware is contained in their data packages.


Describing data

The description of data packages is one of the tasks of the data providers. Carefully described data packages increase the visibility, findability and reusability of research data. The documentation of the RADAR metadata schema used by WueData is available here.
WueData uses a metadata profile specified by RADAR-Local for the description of research data, which specifies 10 mandatory fields. It is based on the DataCite-schema 4.4, a widely used standard for describing datasets without regard to discipline, and is compatible with DublinCore. The used metadata schema offers a combination of free text fields, controlled lists and selection options for standardised or normed records. The mandatory fields fulfil the requirements for assigning a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for the data package. The fields are also transferable to different scientific disciplines. In addition to the mandatory fields, there are 13 optional parameters that are transferable to different scientific disciplines as well. A best practice guide to the DataCite schema can be found here.

Each research dataset published in WueData automatically receives a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), which is registered with the global organization DataCite. This persistent identifier allows the data package to be permanently identified, found, cited and linked to other scientific publications. Within the framework of metadata annotation, the research dataset can be linked to another (digital) resource in the "Related identifier" field. Different relation options and identifier types are available for this purpose.
Furthermore, the RADAR metadata schema used by WueData offers options for standardised entries in many metadata fields, e.g. ORCID for persons (fields: author, contributor, publisher, rights holder), ROR for institutions (fields: author, contributor, publisher, rights holder, funding organisation), Crossref Funder Registry (field: funding organisation) and GND, the Common Data Base (field: keywords).

Yes, datasets and the files and directories they contain can be annotated in WuData not only with the generic metadata parameters of the RADAR metadata schema, but also with additional subject-specific metadata. Users are free to decide whether the supplementary annotation is based on an already established metadata standard or on a metadata schema developed, for example, in their own research project or within the NFDI consortium. Both the generic RADAR metadata used by WueData and subject-specific metadata are displayed on the landing page of a data package and are included in the downloadable archive information package according to the BagIt standard (.tar file).

The technical integrity of the data package is checked by WueData at regular intervals during upload and bitstream preservation. The data providers are responsible for checking the content of the data packages.
The metadata are automatically checked and validated by data curators from the FDM team before publication.

WueData uses the protocol OAI-PMH to offer metadata for automatic harvesting by search engines. The metadata is licensed under a CC0-licence and can also be accessed through the DataCite metadata store. These measures ensure that the published datasets can be found through a variety of search engines and databases.

Yes, metadata can be created offline as an XML file and uploaded to WueData. In this way, data packages can either be described individually or by adding defined (rewritable) default values for the entire workspace. A template for the corresponding XML file is available online in WueData. Furthermore, metadata can be uploaded automatically via the RADAR API. For more information, please contact the FDM team (

Yes, WueData allows the subsequent correction of descriptive metadata. This may be necessary for many reasons (typing errors, forgotten entries, subsequent referencing of the text publication as a related resource, etc.). During metadata correction, only the metadata catalogue and the description on the WueData landing page are updated. Neither a new record is created nor a new persistent identifier (DOI) is assigned. The research dataset (.tar-file) stored in the data archives remains unchanged, as does the technical metadata incl. checksum.
A note on the landing page transparently informs data users about the metadata correction. The updated descriptive metadata are displayed there and are available for download (.xml). Metadata corrections of published datasets are transmitted to DataCite and offered for harvesting via our OAI-PMH provider. Metadata corrections are flexibly possible on all levels of a WueData data package. All updated metadata will be validated against the metadata schema used by WueData, as usual. Please note: The metadata fields "Persistent identifier" and "Licence information" cannot be corrected. If there is a need for correction here, a new record must be created at the current time.

The metadata schema used by WueData is compatible with the widely used DataCite and DublinCore metadata schemas. In addition, the metadata schema can be found and reused via the DataCite metadata store. A connection to ORCID is implemented.

The language for the metadata is chosen by the data provider. A translation of the metadata into several languages is not yet planned. DataCite recommends the use of English-language metadata annotations. Optionally, a language for the dataset (i.e. the resource itself) can be specified.

The licence specified by the data provider refers to the entire dataset. If data providers want to specify different license terms for individual files, the data must be split into several dataset. WueData recommends the use of Creative Commons licenses. Once a licence has been issued, it cannot be corrected after publication.

The following licences are available:

Publishing data

To have your data package published, please use the "Ready to publish" button. The data curators will then be notified, check the metadata and proceed with the publication. You will be informed about the publication by e-mail.

Yes, the data provider can set an embargo period (1-12 months) for data packages in WueData. If you require a longer embargo period, please let the data curators know. The descriptive metadata are published immediately after publication and the data package receives a DOI. The research data can only be viewed publicly after the embargo period has expired. Please inform the data curators ( in good time before the publication of the data packages about your desired embargo period.

Each data package published in WueData is assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). This allows data packages to be clearly referenced and reliably cited. The data provider decides on the scope of a data package. Depending on the situation, it may make sense to combine only one or several files in a .ZIP file and store them in a data package.
A DOI can be reserved immediately after the data upload. In this way, the data package can already be cited and passed on to third parties before the research data is published. However, forwarding via this DOI to the storage location only works when all mandatory fields in the metadata form have been filled in and the data package has been finally published.

In practice, there is a recurring need to update already published or archived research data (adding further data to data collections, errata of erroneous data, updating due to new research results, etc.). WueData currently does not support full versioning. In these cases, a new dataset must be created. This can be linked to the previous version via the fields "Related Identifier" and "Relation Type". At the same time, the metadata of the previous version can be corrected, and the new dataset can likewise be referenced via the "Related Identifier" and "Relation Type" fields. This enables mutual linking of the individual versions.

An availability of 10 years is guaranteed. After that, the aim is to transfer the data to a long-term archiving system.


In principle, data packages published in WueData cannot be deleted. In exceptional cases (e.g. due to violations of copyright or data protection law), individual data sets can be blocked by the data curators of the FDM team. In such cases, the metadata entered by the data providers remain visible and searchable, but the associated research data can no longer be accessed or downloaded. You can find further information on blocking data in our terms of use.

Searching and citing data

Published data packages are publicly viewable and access is free of charge. For subsequent use of the data, the licence conditions specified by the data provider apply.


All users are free to search for published data packages in the WueData database; registration is not required. WueData offers users a free text search as well as a facet search in the metadata. The easiest way to search for a specific data package is via the unique DOI (Digital Object Identifier).
The search can also be used to find data packages that are only available for download after the end of an embargo period. Users can then view the descriptive metadata and cite the data package.

No, the WueData search function is based solely on the descriptive metadata records supplied by data providers. A search in the content of data packets is not possible.



Yes, WueData provides a facet to search for specific file formats. For this purpose, please use the facet search option "Resource".


Generally, there are no binding rules for a specific format when citing research data. In accordance with international recommendations, WueData proposes the following citation format:

Author(s) (year of publication): Title of the dataset. Publisher. Type of research data/resource type. Identifier (DOI)

On the landing page of each dataset, WueData displays a citation suggestion.