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  • 50-jähriges Jubiläum des Rechenzentrums

Guidelines for the research data repository WueData

WueData is an institutional research data repository of the Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU), in which research data generated at the JMU and related materials can be digitally archived, shared, and published.

With the establishment of WueData, the JMU supports its scientists in accordance with the guidelines of the German Research Foundation (DFG) for safeguarding good scientific practice as well as the JMU guidelines for handling research data to sustainably process and document the data generated in research projects and to make it accessible as openly as possible for 10 years at the end of the project. The JMU especially strives to enable its scientists to implement the FAIR principles in handling research data and to promote the principles of open science.

Therefore, the JMU recommends that its researchers actively participate in the publication of research data in line with open science, as far as legally possible. Publishing (digital) research data supports scientists in interpreting, verifying, and reproducing research results and enables the subsequent use of the data thus made accessible. In addition, the achievements of researchers become more visible.

In the institutional data repository, the publication process is supported by quality standards for storing and archiving university research data, as well as for describing the data with metadata.

WueData is open to researchers from all scientific disciplines at the JMU. It is intended as a supplement to existing subject-specific repositories. Especially those scientific disciplines for which no suitable repositories are available can use WueData as a trustworthy alternative. However, due to its generic scope, the institutional data repository does not replace subject-specific repositories in which more extensive requirements can be met.