Deutsch Intern
  • 50-jähriges Jubiläum des Rechenzentrums

New password rules since 15.4.2020

  • the password must be at least 12 characters long and may have a maximum of 128 characters
  • neither first name, last name nor user name may be part of the password
  • for function accounts, neither the display name (or parts of it) nor the user name may be part of the password.
  • only these characters are allowed:
    - upper case letters [A-Z]
    - lower case letters [a-z]
    - numbers [0-9]
    - special characters ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * _ - + = ` | \ ( ) { } [ ] : ; " ' < > , . ? /
  • the password must contain different characters from at least 3 of the 4 categories mentioned above
  • Umlaut (ä ö ü) and sharp s (ß) are not allowed