Deutsch Intern
  • 50-jähriges Jubiläum des Rechenzentrums

Applications for IT-Services

Application can be found under section Applications - Available Applications. Depending on the status of your JMU account, you have different applications available.

To the User-Portal - Available Applications

Application name Access Purpose Additional information
Exchange: Mailbox accounts with an Exchange mailbox (De)activation of Active Sync, IMAP, address book visibility and mailbox sharing  
Group: Delete employees Deletion of no longer required (LDAP) groups by the owner  
GroupWise: Quota employees and functional accounts with a GroupWise mailbox Mailbox storage volume increase only approval-free up to 5GB
IMAP: Quota employees and functional accounts with an IMAP mailbox Mailbox storage volume increase only approval-free up to 5GB
Library: Activation users that are not activated for library services so far Activation for library services  
Mail: External (private) e-mail address employees Updating the external/private e-mail address (required for password reset and mail forwarding) students have to change their private e-mail address in the contact data section in  WueStudy instead
Mail: Auto-reply after withdrawal primary employee accounts with a GroupWise or IMAP mailbox Depositing an external/private e-mail address for auto-reply after university withdrawal  
Mail: Permanent forwarding to external e-mail address students with an Exchange mailbox (De)activation of a permanent redirection to the recorded external/private e-mail address  
Personal Card (JMU-Card): Issuance employees Requesting the issuance of a JMU-Card at the JMU card office  
WueAddress: Entry employees Updating the personal entry at WueAddress  
WueTeams: Activation everyone Activating the WueTeams service for your user account  


Application name Access Purpose Additional information
Exchange: Create distribution list IT-Centre employees Creation of Exchange distribution lists for (LDAP) groups Approver: IT-Support
Group: Create employees Creation of (LDAP) groups for access management Approver: Group Approvers
Group: Create (RZ) IT-Centre employees Creation of (LDAP) groups for access management same as application above, but bypasses approval process and allows the creation of groups for foreign organizational units
Group: Edit employees Editing of existing (LDAP) groups by group owners Approver: Group Approvers
Group: Request membership everyone Ask group owners for membership Approver: Group Owners
Typo3 special groups are managed by the IT-Centre

Application name Access Purpose Additional information
Account: Extension employees and functional accounts with an expiration date less than 44 days in the future Extension of the lifetime of your user account  
Exchange: Quota accounts with an Exchange mailbox Mail storage volume increase  
Group: Request membership everyone Ask (LDAP) group owners for membership Approver is not owner of organizational unit, but owner of group
GroupWise: Quota employees and functional accounts with a GroupWise mailbox Mail storage volume increase requires approval for more than 5GB
IMAP: Quota employees and functional accounts with an IMAP mailbox Mail storage volume increase requires approval for more than 5GB
VoIP: Permissions employees and functional accounts with activated VoIP Increase of the phone rate group  

Further information on the website Applications with decentralized approval.