Deutsch Intern
  • 50-jähriges Jubiläum des Rechenzentrums

Applications with decentralized approval by organizational unit owner

Applications with a decentralized approval by the owner of the organizational unit are listed under Applications for IT-Services. These applications can be filed regularly via the application list in the User-Portal. For the approval process, the applications must first be approved by the owner of the organizational unit and after that additionally by the IT-centre.

Special note for the account extension application: The user receives an e-mail informing about the upcoming expiration of their account from the user service. Next to the notice and link for the digital application, the old-fashioned application for printing is still attached. The application should be submitted to the organization unit owner, to which the account is assigned.

The approver is informed via e-mail from the User-Portal about submitted applications, for which they are responsible. The e-mail's subject has the format: "[User-Portal] Application #<ID> for review: '<application name>' from <requester>".

By following the link, you reach the approval dialog in the User-Portal. Alternatively, you can open this dialog via "Applications - Review Applications".

The following four actions are available when approving applications:

  • Reject: Attach a comment to the application and deny it.
  • Approve: Attach a comment to the application and allow it.
  • Request change: The application is sent back to the requester with an attached message about how to adjust the application.
  • Change: The application can be edited directly by the approver and is accepted afterwards. Depending on the type of application, some or all fields may be edited.

The central directory service automatically imports the organizational unit owner from the organizational data in SAP and appoints this account to both the roles of OEH-Owner and OEH-Approver. As a result of this, only the OEH-Owner is intially allowed to approve applications.

The OEH-Owner can appoint other OEH-Approvers for their organizational unit. It is also possible to remove oneself from the OEH-Approver role once delegated. Recommendation of the IT-centre is to have at least 2 OEH-Approvers appointed.

To appoint new OEH-Approvers, the OEH-Owner can open the "OEH"-tile in the "OEH"-section in the User-Portal. In the next Dialog you can click on "View" behind the name of your OEH. In the next screen, click on the edit button in the top right corner. In the section "OEH-Approver" you can see the currently appointed OEH-Approvers as well as appoint new ones with the fields above: Enter the name of the new approver in the search field and add them with the "add" button afterwards. Once you have done all the changes, submit the form with the submit button at the bottom of the page.