Deutsch Intern
  • 50-jähriges Jubiläum des Rechenzentrums

E-Mail-Forwarding for Students

Students can configure a forwarding from their student e-mail address to their external/private e-mail address in the User-Portal.


  • The forwarding sends a copy of incoming e-mails to your recorded external/private e-mail address.
  • If you change the external/private e-mail address in WueStudy, the forwarding will also be updated to the new e-mail address.

Configuring the forwarding

  1. Open the User-Portal in your browser.
  2. Log into your personal account.
  3. Click on Available Applications (under Applications).
  4. Select Mail: Permanent forwarding to external e-mail address by clicking on View next to it.
  5. (De)activate the checkbox to (de)activate the forwarding.
  6. Save your changes with the Submit button.


  • The currently recorded external/private e-mail address in shown in the form field. Changing this e-mail address is only possible in WueStudy.
  • If you change your external e-mail address in WueStudy, the forwarding is also updated to the new e-mail address.