Deutsch Intern
  • 50-jähriges Jubiläum des Rechenzentrums

E-Mail-Auto-Replies for former Employees

When you leave the university, your user account will be locked and your work e-mail address of the university will be invalid after a goodwill period of 6 weeks. You can configure an auto-reply to the mail sender that informs them about an external e-mail address by which you will be contactable in the future. This auto-reply is active for a transition period of 2 years maximum.


  • The auto-reply is only possible for e-mail addresses that are managed by the IT-Centre.
  • The configured auto-reply will only become active, once your user account is locked.
  • The application for configuring an auto-reply is approval-free.
  • Existing auto-replies in WebMailer or Microsoft Exchange are ignored, as soon as your account is locked.
  • The auto-reply is active for a maximum of two years. An extension is not possible.
  • If your recorded external e-mail address did change during these two years, you should contact the IT-Support.

Configuring the auto-reply

  1. Open the User-Portal in your browser.
  2. Log into your personal account.
  3. Click on Available Applications (under Applications).
  4. Select Mail: Auto-reply after withdrawal by clicking on View next to it.
  5. Enter your external/private e-mail address.
  6. Save your changes with Submit.