Deutsch Intern
  • 50-jähriges Jubiläum des Rechenzentrums

Group Deletion Application

If you do not need your group anymore, you should delete it. This can be done in the User-Portal:

  1. Open the User-Portal in your browser.
  2. Log into your personal account.
  3. Click on Available Applications.
  4. Select Group: Delete by clicking on View next to it.
  5. Select the affected Group and confirm that you definitely do not need the group anymore.
  6. Click on Submit.

Please pay attention to the following things:

  • This application is approval-free, i.e. the application is not reviewed by anyone else and the group is deleted within 5 minutes.
  • Groups of the IT-centre can only be deleted by IT-Centre employees, even if you are the owner of the group.
  • If you did delete a still necessary group, it would have to be created again and possible clearances re-created.