Deutsch Intern
  • 50-jähriges Jubiläum des Rechenzentrums

Member and Manager Management

Members and owners can be added or removed by the current group owners in the User-Portal:

  1. Log into your account as a group owner in the User-Portal.
  2. Click on My Groups (unter "User Information" - this menu item exists only if you are the owner of a group).
  3. Select the affected group by clicking the View button next to it.
  4. Click on the Edit button in the top right corner.
  5. You can now modify the members and owners of the group:
    • Members/owners can be deleted by clicking Remove next to them.
    • To add new members/owners:
      1. Enter the name, user identifier or e-mail address of the user (at least four letters) in the corresponding search field.
      2. Click on the correct entry of the appearing dropdown list.
      3. Click on add
  6. Click on Submit (bottom of the page) to save all changes.

Notice: Alternatively to clicking the Edit button you can also remove or add members with a line-separated list of user identifiers by using Batch Delete Members or Batch Add Members respectively.