Deutsch Intern
  • 50-jähriges Jubiläum des Rechenzentrums

User Registration

How to register as user?

For use of the PCs in the Center for IT Services, in various CIP-Pools and in the University Library as well as for use of the university's Wireless LAN and other IT Services, a User-ID is needed.

Legal basis for use of those resources are the Policy for the Use of IT-Systems in the University of Würzburg and the Policy for the Use of the Data Network in the University of Würzburg, which can also be accessed via the pages of the Legal Department.

Students at the University of Würzburg

Students of the university receive a student User-ID and an E-Mail-Address on enrollment, which they can activate by signing the form "Conditions on the Use of IT Infrastructure at the University of Würzburg" and submitting it to the Studentenkanzlei.

If the User-ID was not activated directly on enrollment, this can be done any time later at the Studentenkanzlei or the Helpdesk of the Center for IT Services. Registration of the Chipcard (student ID card) can only be done at the Studentenkanzlei, however.

For subsequent registration at the Helpdesk please note the Opening Hours and bring along your Student ID and your Passport or official ID Card.

The student User-ID is valid for the complete duration of your studies in Würzburg and allows the use of several PC workstations (Windows and Linux) as well as external access via wireless LAN, Modem or ISDN.

Employees and Student Assistants

Employees and student assistants can receive an employee User-ID. A confirmation by the  respective institution (department, Clinic, ...) is needed and the ID is valid for one calendar year at a time. In addition to the use of various PC workstations and external access it allows the use of all central servers.

The "User Application for Employees" can be found under Applications and Forms or obtained  directly from the Helpdesk in the Center for IT Services.