Deutsch Intern
  • 50-jähriges Jubiläum des Rechenzentrums

Terms of Service for Adobe



This is a non-binding English version only for information.

Personal licenses

Each license must be assigned to a specific person. A separate license is required for each person. People who have been assigned a license can then use the software on different devices.

Shared Device Licenses

Each license is assigned to a specific device and can be used on this device by different persons. A separate license is required for each device.
Shared device licenses also require logging in to the software with a personal Adobe user account.

Adobe terms and conditions

Adobe's offering is subject to terms and conditions set forth in the Adobe Enterprise Term License Agreement, Adobe General Terms of Use  and product-specific terms and conditions.

The most important terms are published by Adobe.

Supplemental Provisions of the University

According to § 7 Abs 10 Benutzungsordnung für Informationsverarbeitungssysteme der Universität Würzburg supplementary regulations are made:

  • The software is to be used exclusively for official purposes or for official projects.
  • Users are required to keep records of all use of Adobe Stock images. In addition, regardless of any legal obligation, references shall always be made when the images are used. After the end of the contract, works with Adobe Stock images may not be used further, in particular they may not be reproduced.
  • Processing of sensitive personal data (such as health data or data from criminal offenses) as part of the on-demand services other than for Adobe Sign and Document Cloud is not permitted, nor is service use in Russia or China.
  • Individual services may also be subject to Adobe's privacy policy:
  • Backups and archiving of data must be done at the user's own responsibility.
  • Provisions and information must be passed on to the persons benefiting from the order when ordering via WebShop4All.
  • Storage of own content, knowledge collections or content received in exchange via Adobe Cloud solution are primary purpose of use.
  • As a general rule, unpublished personal data of individuals who do not use Adobe Cloud solutions (Case 1) may not be transferred unencrypted to the service's storage offering, nor may data subject to special secrecy (Case 2).
    • Examples of Case 1 include attendance records or lists of attendees at an event; for Case 2, sick leave and research contracts subject to confidentiality.
    • If data is stored in encrypted form, the key must comply with the password requirements of the institution's user regulations or be of equivalent security. The encryption method used must comply with the technical guideline BSI TR-02102-1 of the Federal Office for Information Security.
  • Insofar as personal data of third parties are processed with the application, the regulations of data protection must be complied with and the fulfillment of the information obligations must be ensured.
  • Social data (German: Sozialdaten) and personnel file data (German: Personalaktendaten) must not be processed with the on-demand services as a matter of principle.