Deutsch Intern
  • 50-jähriges Jubiläum des Rechenzentrums

Apps and Services

Available services

Verfügbare Apps und Dienste (Office 365 A3 - administered by the University of Würzburg)

  • Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise (with Word, Excel, Power Point, OneNote as desktop app - replaces Office 365 ProPlus and Office 2019 as previous versions)
  • Office for the Web (with Word, Excel, Power Point, OneNote als online version)
  • Office Moble Apps for Office 365 (with Word, Excel, Power Point, OneNote as mobile app)
  • Microsoft Forms
  • Microsoft Lists
  • Microsoft Stream
  • OneDrive
  • Project for Office (viewer for Microsoft Project files)
  • Task (still under the name Microsoft Planner)
  • Teams (with limited SharePoint Online functionality)
  • Whiteboard

Avaiable Apps und Services (Office 365 A1 - administered by the University of Würzburg)

  • Office for the Web (with Word, Excel, Power Point, OneNote as online version)
  • Office Moble Apps for Office 365 (with Word, Excel, Power Point, OneNote as mobile app)
  • Microsoft Forms
  • Microsoft Lists
  • Microsoft Stream
  • OneDrive
  • Project for Office (viewer for Microsoft Project files)
  • Task (still under the name Microsoft Planner)
  • Teams (with limited SharePoint Online functionality)
  • Whiteboard

Office 365 A3 will soon be available again.

Avaiable Apps und Services (Office 365 A1 - administered by the University of Würzburg)

  • Office for the Web (with Word, Excel, Power Point, OneNote as online version)
  • Office Moble Apps for Office 365 (with Word, Excel, Power Point, OneNote as mobile app)
  • Microsoft Forms
  • Microsoft Lists
  • Microsoft Stream
  • OneDrive
  • Project for Office (viewer for Microsoft Project files)
  • Task (still under the name Microsoft Planner)
  • Teams (with limited SharePoint Online functionality)
  • Whiteboard

If Microsoft desktop applications are necessary in individual cases, please note the following: 

  • Employees of the University Hospital receive Microsoft products via the Univerisitätsklinikum. Contact or Tel: (0931) 201-55473. 
  • Lecturers who need to install Office locally should contact their local contact person for WebShop orders. Institutions can order "Microsoft 365 A3 für Lehrbeauftragte" for a fee in the WebShop. With this license you can download the Office programs for local installation from the Microsoft-Portal.

The University does not currently offer the ability to use the Office Add-In Store due to the disabling of the required "optional connected experiences".
The deactivation is due to the following reasons:
Unlike the enabled "connected experiences", there is currently no agreement in place between the Free State of Bavaria and Microsoft for commissioned data processing. In addition, the use of each add-in would have to be examined individually for data protection concerns and the data protection officers of the University of Würzburg would have to be given the opportunity to comment. This would also require a regular review of the service with a particular focus on accessibility, data protection, information security, and licensing law in the event of changes/extensions to an add-in.

Information on Microsoft Teams at JMU can be found on the Teams  topic page.


Microsoft OneDrive [...] is a file hosting service operated by Microsoft. First. [...] it enables registered users to share and synchronize their files. [1]

At the University of Würzburg, all employees and students receive a quota of 20 GB OneDrive cloud storage. This cloud storage is not intended for the permanent storage of data and no backups are created.

The storage of data in the cloud is generally not permitted for personal and confidential data, likewise it is not permitted for data subject to copyright. To safeguard the digital sovereignty of the University of Würzburg, it is important to take measures that allow a way back from the cloud if necessary. This includes limiting the amount of data; therefore, OneDrive cloud storage is limited to 20 GB per person.

Alternatives include using your J-Laufwerk, bwSync&Share or GigaMove
