Deutsch Intern
  • 50-jähriges Jubiläum des Rechenzentrums

Communication Services

High-Speed Network and Data Communication

The Center for IT Services operates the high-speed data network of the University of Würzburg, which connects four large campuses and several separate buildings. This network is connected  to the Internet via the 10-Gigabit-Research-Network (X-WiN) of the DFN-Verein.

In addition the Center for IT Services runs a VPN-Server, which can be used to connect to the university's network from home.

Data Network

Networking Strategy, Network Structure and Design, Network Outages, Maintenance Windows, Regulations and Restrictions, Connected Dormitories


Anonymous ftp, Certification Authority, Content Management System, FAX-Server, Internet Relay Chat, Nameserver, Streaming Video Server, Search Engine, VPN-Server, Webhosting-Server, Webmaster Working Group, Wireless LAN, World-Wide Web, WWW-Cacheserver

Network Administrators
