Deutsch Intern
  • 50-jähriges Jubiläum des Rechenzentrums
Information Technology Centre

Eduroam Profile Löschen


  • Settings
  • select Wi-Fi
  • select Additional Settings
  • select manage saved networks
  • delete eduroam from saved networks
  • please also delete the GetEduroam app or Eduroam CAT app, if still installed on your device

Windows 10 and 11

  • bottom left Windows icon - Settings (cogwheel) - Network and Internet
  • Select Wi-fi
  • Manage known networks
  • Select eduroam
  • Do not save/Forget button


  • iOS settings
  • General
  • VPN and device management (or profile for older versions)
  • Mark eduroam - delete


  • Open System Preferences -> Select Privacy & Security
  • Search for and open "Profiles"
  • Identify Eduroam profile and select it with a mouse click
  • Remove via the minus sign

Older macOS

  • WLAN icon at the top
  • Open system settings Network
  • Left WLAN
  • Bottom More options
  • Mark eduroam
  • Minus symbol


  • open Command Line
  • type in "nmcli c delete id eduroam"
  • execute command with enter