Deutsch Intern

Poster printing

The Computer Center's poster printing service offers teaching and research staff the opportunity to have posters printed.


General conditions:

Poster orders that are to be completed in the same week must be sent to Poster Printing ( by 9 a.m. on Tuesday. Printing cannot always be guaranteed within the opening hours due to the sometimes increased printing workload, we kindly ask for your understanding.


You are welcome to announce your print in advance.

Orders with more than 5 posters without pre-registration can be postponed in order to process other orders more quickly.


This service is only available to employees of Julius-Maximilians-Universität. Students can order poster prints via JMU staff.



Telephone hotline for poster printing during opening hours: 0931/31-88936

Outside opening hours, please send an e-mail to


Opening hours:

Monday and Tuesday 9.00 am to 4.00 pm.

Closed on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.


As charges are incurred for printing, we always require a user ID and the academic chair (to determine the cost center), which we can use for billing.

Students must provide the user ID of a JMU employee.


Posters can be collected from the IT support, according to its opening hours.


The current poster costs can be found here:

Place an order

Simply send us your order by e-mail, noting the following:

  1. send your poster order to:
  2. the size and type of paper for the poster must be specified in the e-mail text. If these details are missing, a DIN A0 (84.1 cm * 118.9 cm) poster will be printed on semi-matte paper without further inquiry. Please also include the user name of your JMU account.
  3. the poster to be printed must be attached to the e-mail as a PDF file. Please make sure to follow the Instructions for creating a suitable PDF file.

We will send a notification as soon as the poster can be picked up at the IT support of the computer center. When collecting the poster, please specify which user ID and thus which organizational unit is to be charged with the printing costs.


File too large?


If the file is too large for an e-mail (> 15 MB), you can also send us the file via GigaMove and include the link to the file in the order e-mail.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

If necessary,

If the process described above is not possible for you, in rare cases you can make an appointment with the IT support to bring the poster file to the data center.

Depending on the order and staff situation, such an appointment cannot always be made at short notice. You should plan up to one week for this.


Further Information and useful tips on creating posters and ultimately image refinement with the Laminator!